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Chord construction

1) Interval chart

Every chord is built from three or more notes which are separated by certain intervals which define the chord type. So for example a simple major chord consists of the root note, a major third and a perfect fifth from that root.
You can find where any interval is from any root on the fret board in the table. This table and the following list of chords enables to create virtually any chord. The table is movable up and down the fretboard so you can move the pattern to any root you want. Given you want a B major you only need to find a (3) and a (5) to Any 'B' you choose on the neck. If you look closely you will see the familiar major shapes (C,A,D,G,..).
(note: it says Cmajor on top, because that's what it would be with the fret numbers as shown) Apart from making new chords I also found it useful to know which finger actually plays which triad, when I use the standard shapes.

1) Interval chart

Here are the are the most common chords spelled out. You can derive the fingering from the table above and thus create any chord you want. Play around with them, some will sound a bit weired others you will love to bits. These chords also work on a piano of course. Most of the more complex chords will mainly be found in jazz music and not as much in rock, etc.
The degree notations are based on the major scale. Example: say you want a Gmaj11 :
Gmajor : 1   2(9)   3   4(11)   5   6(13)   7   
scale    G    A     B     C     D     E     F#  
Gmaj11 is    (1,3,5,7,9,11)
       i.e.: (G,B,D,F#,A,C)


maj       1, 3, 5
majb5     1, 3,b5
add9      1, 3, 5, 9
+,aug     1, 3,#5
6         1, 3, 5, 6
6add9     1, 3, 5, 6, 9
maj7      1, 3, 5, 7
maj7b5    1, 3,b5, 7
maj7#5    1, 3,#5, 7
maj7#11   1, 3, 5, 7,   #11
maj9      1, 3, 5, 7, 9
maj9#5    1, 3,#5, 7, 9
maj9#11   1, 3, 5, 7, 9,#11
maj11     1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
maj13     1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13

7         1, 3, 5,b7
7sus4     1, 3, 5,b7
7#5       1, 3,#5,b7
7b5       1, 3,b5,b7
7#9       1, 3, 5,b7,#9
7b9       1, 3, 5,b7,b9
7#9#5     1, 3,#5,b7,#9
7b9#5     1, 3,#5,b7,b9
7b9b5     1, 3,b5,b7,b9
7add11    1, 3, 5,b7,    11
7#11      1, 3, 5,b7,   #11
9         1, 3, 5,b7, 9
9#5       1, 3,#5,b7, 9
9b5       1, 3,b5,b7, 9
9#11      1, 3, 5,b7, 9,#11
11        1, 3, 5,b7, 9, 11
11b9      1, 3, 5,b7,b9, 11
13        1, 3, 5,b7, 9, 13
13#9      1, 3, 5,b7,#9, 13
13b9      1, 3, 5,b7,b9, 13
13b5b9    1, 3,b5,b7,b9, 13


m 1,b3, 5 mb5 1,b3,b5 madd9 1,b3, 5,9 m6 1,b3, 5, 6 m6add9 1,b3, 5, 6, 9 m7 1,b3, 5,b7 m7b5 1,b3,b5,b7 m7b9 1,b3, 5,b7,b9 m7add11 1,b3, 5,b7, 11 m(maj7) 1,b3, 5, 7 m9 1,b3, 5,b7, 9 m9b5 1,b3,b5,b7, 9 m9(maj7) 1,b3, 5, 7, 9 m11 1,b3, 5,b7, 9,11 m13 1,b3, 5,b7, 9,13


sus2 1, 2, 5 sus4 1, 4, 5 dim 1,b3,b5,b7